Understanding HPM Technology

And Pushing Past Its limits…

HPM Technology


And Pushing
Past Its limits…

Support Development

  • Design, fabricate, and evaluate high voltage, high current switches.
  • Develop high and low power RF transmitters.
  • Develop and utilize mobile laboratories.

Create Testbeds

  • Develop testbeds to evaluate high power RF devices such as magnetrons, klystrons, and reltrons.
  • Develop platforms to characterize high voltage, high energy vacuum and semiconductor switches.
  • Develop platforms to generate and characterize high energy RF environments.

Analyze Results

  • Setup and develop state of the art data acquisition systems.
  • Continually develop simulation and modeling capabilities.
  • Utilize advanced equipment and diagnostics to measure system performance and characterize RF environments.

Support Development

  • Design, fabricate, and evaluate high voltage, high current switches.
  • Develop high and low power RF transmitters.
  • Develop and utilize mobile laboratories.

Create Testbeds

  • Develop testbeds to evaluate high power RF devices such as magnetrons, klystrons, and reltrons.
  • Develop platforms to characterize high voltage, high energy vacuum and semiconductor switches.
  • Develop platforms to generate and characterize high energy RF environments.

Analyze Results

  • Setup and develop state of the art data acquisition systems.
  • Continually develop simulation and modeling capabilities.
  • Utilize advanced equipment and diagnostics to measure system performance and characterize RF environments.

Hill Park Engineering Inc. specializes in the design, evaluation, and fabrication of high power sources and advanced Directed Energy Systems. We have over 75 years of professional experience in concepts, techniques, and platforms used to develop current and future Directed Energy Systems. We excel at developing specialized equipment to conduct enhanced High Power Microwave performance evaluation.

Contact Us

Phone: (301) 572-2675
Fax: (301) 572-4103

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